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STOCKTON — The Stockton Emergency Food Bank was given a large donation Friday after another nonprofit hearing of its turkey shortage during Thanksgiving.


PRIDE Industries is a nonprofit that employs over 200 people in Stockton and at least half have disabilities. Its CEO, Michael Ziegler, saw FOX40’s story about the food bank’s situation and reached out.


Friday, PRIDE Environmental Services Director Roy Hightower presented the food bank with a check for $10,000.


“We both understand the need to give back and help the community,” food bank Executive Director Mike Donaghy said. “So, thanks again for your support.”


Donaghy says the donation will be used to help put together up to 1,600 of its Christmas meal boxes. The giveaway is Thursday, Dec. 21. “We need to think of the less fortunate during these times of the year, so we can truly help everybody to have a Merry Christmas or a happy holiday,” Hightower said. Donaghy says the food bank had around 30 turkeys a week before Thanksgiving but were able to give 2129 food boxes away. They received many donations from the community through a Stuff the Bus campaign with San Joaquin Regional Transit District and other collection events, as well as financial donations from organizations like PRIDE.


It’s been quite a whirlwind. The community stepped up. We had turkeys flying in left and right, literally,” Donaghy said. “It was a call to action and the community responded. It was wonderful. It’s heartwarming to have the type of support from the community.

Media Contact
Kat Maudru

PRIDE Industries is a social enterprise delivering business excellence to public and private organizations nationwide.