Work with a disability employment partner that gets it.
People with disabilities face many challenges, especially in employment. We get it! We’ve helped thousands of organizations like yours empower people to thrive in employment. Join us!
Join Our Premier Partner Network
Does your agency provide disability employment services?
Consider partnering with PRIDE Industries.
Disability Employment Partner Network
We work with thousands of disability employment agencies like yours throughout the country to match people with employment opportunities. We offer:
- Trusted experience since 1966
- Regulatory expertise
- Certified training
- Hands-on support for employees and employers
- CARF Certification
- NOD Leading Disability Employer designation (2021 and 2022)
Disability Employment Services
We do the heavy lifting. We walk candidates and agencies through the application and referral process. We provide:
- Full- and part-time positions
- Eligibility and accommodation documentation support
- Job training, preparation, and placement
- Competitive pay and benefits
- On-the-job support and coaching
- Employer relationship management
- Assistive technology
A Wide Range of Job Opportunities
Service Industry and Skilled Labor
- HVAC Technician
- Electrician
- Grounds Laborer and Entomologist
- Plumber
- Carpenter
- General Maintenance
- Maintenance Trades Helper
- Warehouse Specialist
- Janitorial Worker
- Store Worker
Administrative and Management
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Call Center
- Data Entry
- Production Control Specialist
Successful Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities
Since 1966, PRIDE Industries has helped thousands of organizations like yours empower adults with disabilities, so that they can thrive in the workplace. We succeed because we know that placing an employee is just the beginning. That’s why we provide everything from eligibility and accommodation documentation support to job preparation and placement, including hands on support, employer relationship management, and assistive technology. We offer competitive salaries, benefits, and advancement opportunities. Join us in bringing the dignity and independence that comes with paid work to people with disabilities in your community.
Whether the people you serve are looking for a part-time job or a full-time career, we can assist them in navigating the employment process with PRIDE Industries. Together we can change lives and strengthen communities.
I can’t overstate how valuable it is to have a partner that ‘gets it.’ PRIDE Industries understands that you can’t just fill a position and step away.
Maggie Meyer
Vocational Transitionist at the Parent Alliance Employment Project, DuPage County, Illinois
FAQs: AbilityOne and Disability Employment Services
- AbilityOne was established in 1938 and is administered by the U.S. AbilityOne Commission, an independent Federal agency whose statutory name is the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. The mission of Ability One is to provide opportunities for the nation’s underutilized workforce of individuals who are blind, have significant disabilities, or face other barriers to employment to deliver quality products and services to federal agencies via integrated employment opportunities.
- The AbilityOne Program uses the purchasing power of the federal government to buy products and services from approximately 500participating nonprofit agencies throughout the United States, training and employing individuals who are blind or have significant disabilities. Through the AbilityOne Program, people who are blind or have significant disabilities enjoy full participation in their community and can market their AbilityOne-learned skills into other public and private sector jobs.
- The U.S. AbilityOne Commission is the independent Federal agency that oversees the AbilityOne Program, whose mission is to tap America’s underutilized workforce of individuals who are blind or have significant disabilities to deliver high quality, mission-essential products and services to Federal agencies in quality. The Commission administers the Program with the assistance of two central nonprofit agencies – National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and SourceAmerica – in accordance with the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act.
- Federal agencies employ some 35,000 individuals through contracts with AbilityOne companies. Contracts under the AbilityOne Program offer federal customers products and services available through a variety of organizations. By contracting with the AbilityOne nonprofit agencies, veterans and individuals who are blind or have significant disabilities have a greater opportunity to work, lead independent lives, serve in communities, and contribute to the strength of our Nation’s economy.
- The AbilityOne Program provides employment opportunities to two target groups: people who are blind and those with a range of significant disabilities. The definition of blindness used by the AbilityOne Program is the same as the definition used by the U.S. Social Security Administration: “central visual acuity which does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or visual acuity, if better than 20/200, is accompanied by a limit to the field of vision in the better eye to such a degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.”
The AbilityOne Program’s definition of a significant disability (other than blindness) is: “a severe physical or mental impairment (a residual, limiting condition resulting from an injury, disease, or congenital defect) which so limits the person’s functional capabilities (mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, work tolerance or work skills) that the individual is unable to engage in normal competitive employment over an extended period of time.”
- Yes. PRIDE Industries provides competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities. Competitive employment for people with disabilities is work that is performed in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, and with the same opportunities for advancement as are available to people without disabilities. Competitive integrated employment means that people with disabilities are working alongside people without disabilities and are paid the same rate for their work.
- Yes. PRIDE Industries provides job coaches for disabled adults who qualify. Job coaches assist with job task support, help ensure necessary accommodations are provided, facilitate communication with employers, and answer questions for both employers and employees.
- Yes. Transportation for disabled workers is one of the biggest barriers employees with disabilities face. PRIDE Industries provides accessible transportation for disabled adults who qualify on many worksites throughout the United States.
- Yes. Competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities is work that is performed in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, and with the same opportunities for advancement as are available to people without disabilities. Competitive integrated employment means that people with disabilities are working alongside people without disabilities and are paid the same rate for their work.
- Yes. PRIDE Industries provides job coaches for qualifying employees which includes on-the-job training. Job coaches help break down complex tasks into easy-to-manage steps, and if needed, they can work alongside employees to help them master new skills.
- Yes. PRIDE Industries is committed to providing jobs for people with disabilities that allow everyone to reach their full potential with a variety of opportunities for advancement to help them achieve their goals. There are several programs and resources around jobs for people with disabilities to enable employees to develop skills and abilities and to move into more challenging and rewarding positions. Resources include on-the-job training, mentoring programs, tuition reimbursement, job shadowing, and merit-based promotions.
- An applicant’s criminal history does not necessarily bar employment at PRIDE Industries. The nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the offense, subsequent evidence of rehabilitation, and the nature of the job applied for will be considered. Applicants with a criminal history will have an opportunity to provide mitigating information to be considered in determining whether or not they pass PRIDE Industries’ criminal history check.
- PRIDE Industries provides employment opportunities through various programs and services at the federal, state, and local levels. Each program and service may have its own requirements for medical documentation. PRIDE Industries’ recruiters and human resources representatives work directly with candidates and their referral agencies to review documentation requirements and assist in gathering documentation as needed. Specific documentation requirements will be reviewed during the applicant referral and intake process.