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ROSEVILLE – PRIDE Industries (PRIDE) is a social enterprise providing facilities and manufacturing services to businesses and government agencies nationwide while creating meaningful jobs for people with disabilities. Career site Indeed ranked PRIDE as one of the 20 top-rated nonprofits to work for nationwide in 2018.


Indeed is a top job site that connects millions of people to new opportunities. Their data analytics team analyzed information from over 100 million nonprofit employer ratings and reviews which measured work-life balance, pay & benefits, job security & advancement, management, and culture.


There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the U.S., comprising the third-largest employer sector; PRIDE Industries ranked among nationally recognized nonprofits including Habitat for Humanity, International Rescue Committee, and Boys & Girls Club of America.


“At PRIDE, we are driven by purpose to expand meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities, veterans, and disenfranchised groups across the country,” said Michael Ziegler, CEO of PRIDE Industries. “Our success embodies the hopes and dreams of the parents who founded PRIDE in 1966 in the basement of St Luke’s Episcopalian Church in Auburn, CA.”


With a history spanning over 50-years, PRIDE Industries is one of the largest employers of people with disabilities, nationwide.

Media Contact
Kat Maudru

PRIDE Industries is a social enterprise delivering business excellence to public and private organizations nationwide.